Welcome to our Fall Ministry Page

At Calvary Bible Church, we believe that God has called us to gather together to worship, grow, and serve. Through this ministry, we are brought to maturity in Christ. God then scatters us into our homes, workplaces, communities, and around the world to share the good news of Jesus with everyone.

Each fall marks the start of a new ministry season. We invite you to find ways for your family to join us!

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"Oh come, let us worship and bow down; let us kneel before the LORD, our Maker!" Psalm 95:6

Family Services

Sunday, September 1

No classes Preschool through Adults. Babies/Toddlers during the 8:30am Worship Service only.

Meet & Greet

Sunday, September 29 at 9:45am

New guests are invited to join us for our monthly Meet & Greet in the Connections Room at 9:45am.

Meet & Greet RSVP

Child Dedication Class

Sunday, September 22 at 8:30am in Room 321.

Baptism and Child Dedication Services will be on October 27.

Dedication Signup

Baptism Class

Adult Baptism Class is on Sunday, September 29 at 1pm.

Children/Youth Baptism Classes are on Sunday, September 29 at 1pm and October 13 at 11am (this is a 2-part class).

Baptism and Child Dedication Services will be on October 27.

Baptism Signup


"Let no one despise you for your youth, but set the believers an example in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith, in purity." 2 Timothy 4:12


Fall Scheduling begins Sunday, September 8! Check-in for all our families occurs in the Welcome Center. Families are encouraged to pick up a “Family Connect” monthly newsletter to work through together. To find out more click the button below.

Children's Ministry

The Bridge (Grade 6)

The Bridge begins on September 8! The Bridge meets on Sundays at 9:45am in room 321.


Registration open now! Fall Kickoff September 11 at 6:30pm


Kids Choir

Registration will open in mid-September. First Night of Practice, Wednesday, October 23 at 5:30pm. Kids choir is those in Grades 1-8 and will meet October 23 - December 4, 5:30-6:15pm. Kids Choir will help lead worship in the services on December 8.


This ministry is for students with special needs. Please contact Deb Rohrkaste to discuss how we can partner with you.

C-Team (Grades 7-8) & SWAT (Grades 9-12)

Youth Sunday School (for Grades 7-12) is on Sundays at 9:45am in Room 212.

Youth Group Fall Kickoff is on Wednesday, September 11! 
C-Team (Grades 7-8) meets Wednesdays, 6:45-8:30pm (Rm 112)
SWAT (Grades 9-12) meets Wednesdays, 7-9pm (Rm 212)
(drop-off/pick-up location is the West Entrance (Door 15) in our back parking lot. Find out more by going to our website.)



Paul writes, "Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom." Colossians 3:16

Sunday Equipping Classes

New Teaching Series begins September 8!

  • Young Adults: (Room 130) Apologetics
  • Newly Married: (Room 133) Evangelism
  • Community of Parents: (Room 131) Jesus, Jews, and Israel
  • Free to Serve: (Room 132) Gifted to Bless
  • Legacy 60+: (Fellowship West) 2 Peter
  • Rooted (young families): (Room 134) God-Centered Parenting
  • Elective: Welcome Home! Membership Class: (Room 112)

Classes meet at 9:45am. Click below to find your community.

Join a Community

Men's Ministry

Men's Bible Study begins September 11!

Wednesdays at 6:35pm in Fellowship East (Rm 201)

(park in the West Parking Lot and enter through Door 15, turn right just past the Resource Center)

Men's Ministry

Women's Ministry

Tuesday Evening Edition begins September 17!

Tuesdays 6:30-8pm in the Community Room (Rm 134)

(park in the West Parking Lot and enter through Door 19)

Wednesday Morning Women's Ministry begins September 11!

  • Women's Bible Study (Rm 200)
  • Mom's Mentor Group (Rm 201)

Wednesdays 9:25-11am(park in the West Parking Lot and enter through Door 15) 
Childcare is available for Wednesday morning attendees.

Women's Ministry

Ladies Craft Nights

Ladies Craft Night begins September 6!

Typically the first Friday of each month; 6-10pm in the Community Room (Rm 134)
September through May. 
(park in the West Parking Lot and enter through Door 19)

Monday Precepts

Monday Precepts begins October 7!

Mondays 6:30-8:45pm in Fellowship East (Rm 201)
(park in the West Parking Lot and enter through Door 15, turn right just past the Resource Center)

Thursday Precepts

Thursday Precepts begins September 26!

Thursdays 9-11:15am in Fellowship East (Rm 201)
(park in the West Parking Lot and enter through Door 15, turn right just past the Resource Center)


"Let each of you look not only to his own interests but also to the interests of others. Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus." Philippians 2:4-5a

Divorce Care

The next 13-week session of DivorceCare will begin September 10 at 6:30pm. If you have questions, contact Clyde. Please park in the West parking lot and enter at Door 19. After entering the building, turn right and head down the hallway to room 119 on the right. Each session is scheduled from 6:30-8:30pm. The video sessions are subject-related, which means any participant can start coming to the group on any Tuesday.


The next 13-week session of Griefshare runs on Wednesdays from September 11-December 11, to find out specific details, contact DebPlease park in the West parking lot and enter at Door 15. After entering the building, go straight past the welcome center and turn left and head down the hallway to room 119 on the left. Each session is scheduled from 6:30-8:30pm. The video sessions are subject-related, which means any participant can start coming to the group on any Wednesday.

Also mark your calendars for a special "Griefshare:Surviving the Holidays" Brunch on Saturday, November 23 from 9-11am in the Community Room.

Memory Care

Memory Care Connection is intended to be a safe place for the caregivers of loved ones with memory loss. We have separate groups to minister to those experiencing memory loss as well as their caregivers.

We meet every other Monday from 4-5:15pm in the Community Room (134). Join us on Monday, September 9. Please park in the West parking lot and enter at Door 19. The Community Room is straight ahead.

If you are interested in being a part of our Memory Care family, please contact Kay.

Marriage Mentoring

Our marriage mentors have a heart to help you develop a thriving, Christ-centered marriage! Whether you are newly engaged, a newlywed, or have been married for years, your marriage can benefit from mentoring! All mentoring sessions are strictly confidential.

If you are interested in becoming a mentor or would like to be mentored, please contact Norman or Doug.

Blended Families

We understand that blended families have unique challenges. Our blended family ministry small groups for couples are led by trained volunteers who are in stepfamilies themselves.

If you are interested in blended family ministries, please contact Troy or Lisa Smith.

New Commandment

New Commandment meets on the third Saturday of each month from 7-11am. We have a time of Bible study and prayer followed by discussion of the work to be done before heading out to homes. Given the aging population and size of our church, volunteers are always needed. We commonly handle maintenance type issues, such as cleaning gutters, windows, changing smoke detector batteries, raking and cleaning. We also tend to the spiritual needs of those we serve through prayer.

If you are interested in being practical help to our widows, shut-ins, and single mothers, please contact Jeremy.

Serve Our Church Family

Smiling faces are needed on Sunday mornings and Wednesday to greet guests, answer questions, setup classrooms, and make people feel at home. This fall we need:

  • Children's Ministry Teachers & Assistants
  • Visiting Shut-ins/Sending Cards
  • Café Baristas 
  • Resource Center Workers
  • Welcome Team
  • and more!

If you are interested in in being a part of our team.  Please let us know you are interested by clicking the button below. If you have questions, Email us.

I want to serve