Night of Worship Tonight
Join us tonight Sunday, March 23 at 6pm in the Youth Room as we kickoff "Journey to the Cross" a focus to prepare our hearts for the Easter season with a night of Worship. The Cafe will be open that evening, so plan on staying after for some treats and fellowship.
Spring Break
This week is Spring Break and so we will have no mid-week ministries onsite. This includes AWANA, Men's & Women's Bible Studies, DivorceCare, Griefshare, and SWAT. C-Team will be meeting for a Destination Unknown event. We are hosting a large speech tournament (NCFCA) for hundreds of youth so even the Cafe will be closed this week.
Celebrate Together Special Worship Services
Join us as we take a moment to reflect on and celebrate God’s faithfulness, guidance, and provision through the building expansion project. In Scripture we see a pattern of God’s people marking the work of God by looking back to: Remember what He has done, to Dwell in His Faithfulness today, and Look ahead with Hope to the future and purpose He has called us to. We will have these Celebrate Together services on Sunday, March 30 at 8:30 and 11am.
Child Dedication Class
Parents have an opportunity to bring their children before the church congregation and commit to raising them in the knowledge of God and teaching them the gospel of Jesus Christ. Parents who wish to participate in the Child Dedication Service on May 11 must attend the class. To register for the class that is taking place on Sunday, April 13 at 8:30am, click the button below.
Child Dedication Class Signup
Baptism Class
We invite you to follow Jesus by making a public profession of faith at a baptism service. To participate, adults must attend a one-session baptism class on Sunday, April 13 at 1pm. Kids have a two-session class with the first being at the same time as the adult class starting in a different room (with Part 2 class happening on April 27 at 11am). To register for the adult or kids class on April 13 at 1pm, click the button below. The Baptism Service will take place on May 25.
Baptism Class Registration
Newcomer Meet & Greet
New guests are invited to join us for a Meet & Greet on Sunday, April 6! Visit with Pastor Keith, his wife, Kerry, and some of our staff. Ask questions about our church's mission and ministry, and learn how your family can get connected at CBC. Let us know if you are coming by clicking the button below. We will be serving refreshments in Fellowship East (Room 201) at 9:45am.
Meet & Greet RSVP
Lost & Found Jackets
We have collected quite a number of coats and jackets over the past few months, so plan on stopping by the designated coat hooks behind the Welcome Desk to see if you have misplaced your coats. Any unclaimed coats will be donated on March 31.
Other Questions?
Contact us at (920.725.3896) or office@cbcneenah.org. If you are mailing a check or using bill pay from your bank, please send checks to: Calvary Bible Church; PO Box 799; Neenah, WI 54957. Remember to follow Calvary Bible Church on Facebook and Instagram for midweek updates and inspiration.
Submit a Prayer Request