CBC Men's Ministry is a brotherhood of men devoted to Jesus Christ who live out our faith and share the Gospel in word and action. Our goal is to challenge every man to take the next step as a follower of Jesus. For some men, this might mean getting connected with the other believers, sharing God's love in service, or stepping up as a spiritual leader in our families, workplaces, and communities. The CBC Men's Ministry seeks to help men take this step by hosting large events, leading focused Bible studies, providing mentoring, and offering service and ministry opportunities for men.

Are you ready to take the next step or do you want to find out more? Please contact us! We'd be happy to sit down over a cup of coffee and get you up to speed.

~ Josiah Rocke, Men's Ministry Leader

Email Men's Ministry

Men's Study

WEDNESDAYS (During the School Year) AT 6:30 PM

Fellowship East (201)

We live in a time of a collision of many cultural influences all around us and, at times, even infiltrating the church with twisted, false gospels. Join us for Men's Study on Wednesday nights at 6:35 and learn how the apostle Paul addressed four such twisted, false gospels in the Colossian church and how we can stand firm against the cultural messages affecting the church today. Park in the West Parking Lot and enter Door 15.

on Summer Break until Fall Kickoff in September!

New Commandment

New Commandment

"Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress." James 1:27a

God has called the men of Calvary Bible Church to care for widows and single mothers in our church family.  We meet on the third Saturday of each month for an hour of fellowship and prayer, followed by two hours at the home of an assigned care receiver. Individual teams of four do a variety of chores around the home of their care receiver and also spend time developing spiritual relationships by sharing and praying with them. 

New Commandment is always looking for men to volunteer their time. The time commitment is for three hours on the third Saturday of the month. Volunteers undergo a background check and a brief training session before becoming a team member. 

Find Out More

Men's Midmonth Meat-ups

Men's Midmonth Meat-ups

JUNE 12 AT 5:30PM  -   JULY 10 AT 5:30PM  -  AUGUST 14 AT 5:30PM

Bring some meat to grill and a side to share and join us throughout the summer. We will be meeting on the middle Wednesday of the month this summer. The grills will be fired up, and we will be ready for a time to share food, life, & prayer together! We will be outside the West Entrance and in Fellowship West from 5:30– 7:30pm. See you there!

Upcoming Men's Events

Aug 2

6:40 PM

CBC Family Night

Join the CBC Family for a fun night of food, fellowship and cheering on the Timber Rattlers at Fox Cities Stadium.

Aug 4

8:30 AM

Ministry Fair

Explore opportunities to serve and support our 40+ ministries. Find a place to connect and grow. Make a difference in the lives of our church family.

Aug 14

5:30 PM

Men's Midmonth Meat-ups

Summertime grilling and fellowship with Men's Ministry

Sep 1

8:30 AM

Family Worship Services

a time for us to all worship together as a multi-generational church (no classes offered Preschool through Adults)

Sep 1

11:00 AM

Family Worship Services

a time for us to all worship together as a multi-generational church (no classes offered Preschool through Adults)

Sep 8

8:30 AM

Fall Kickoff

Ministries are re-starting and fall is in the air...what more could you need?

Sep 8

9:45 AM

Welcome Home!

This class will help you discover your place in our church family.

Sep 15

9:45 AM

Welcome Home!

This class will help you discover your place in our church family.

Sep 22

9:45 AM

Welcome Home!

This class will help you discover your place in our church family.

Sep 22

12:00 PM

Annual Meeting

Join us to reflect on the past year's journey and share a meal as a church family.

Sep 29

8:30 AM

Child Dedication Class

This class is in preparation for the May 5, 2024 Child Dedication Service.

Sep 29

9:45 AM

Welcome Home!

This class will help you discover your place in our church family.

Oct 6

9:45 AM

Welcome Home!

This class will help you discover your place in our church family.

Dec 29

8:30 AM

Family Worship Services

a time for us to all worship together as a multi-generational church (no classes offered Preschool through Adults)

Dec 29

11:00 AM

Family Worship Services

a time for us to all worship together as a multi-generational church (no classes offered Preschool through Adults)

Men's Leadership Team

Director Josiah Rocke

Matt Fager

Sean Fruend

Jeremy Topolski