“And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.” Colossians 3:17

Women’s Ministry is a place where we can grow together, build relationships with each other, and serve alongside each other. The women at Calvary Bible Church are diverse—single, married, career-oriented, family focused, young, middle-aged, and senior-aged. Because we are all at different points in our spiritual walks, the programs for women are varied, with something for every age and stage of life.

We offer Bible studies, events, and opportunities to help women connect with one another, to grow more deeply in their love for Jesus, to be able to know and apply God’s Word, and to live out God’s mission to make disciples of Jesus who make more disciples of Jesus. There is a place for everyone, and we encourage you to consider joining us!

Questions? Contact the Church Office by phone (920.725.3896) or send an email!

Contact Women's Ministry

Looking for Past Bible Studies? We have several years of bibles studies available! Click the button below to listen.

Bible Study Recordings

Women Together - Wednesday AM

Women Together - Wednesday AM

Weekly: Wednesdays 9:25-11am (on spring break March 26 & April 2)

Location: Fellowship Center (park in the West/Back Parking Lot and come in Door 15)

  • Track 1 - Women Together - Wednesday Morning - In-Depth Teaching: Bible Doctrine emphasizing reflection and discussion in community for the women at Calvary. We are currently studying in Ephesians about Spiritual Warfare (in Fellowship West - Room 200)
  • Track 2 - Mothers Together - Gospel truths emphasizing shepherding and care for mothers. Starting in January we will be doing a study in James (in Fellowship East - Room 201)
These bible studies are open to all ages and stages of women and we hope to have you join us! we start each Wednesday with both studies joining together in worship together. A children’s program is available on Wednesday mornings. 
Women Together - Tuesday PM

Women Together - Tuesday PM

Weekly: Tuesdays from 6:30-8pm (on break until January 7)

  • Women Together - Tuesday Evening - In-Depth Teaching: Bible Doctrine emphasizing reflection and discussion in community for the women at Calvary. We are currently using Dee Brestin's Book "Examining the Claims of Christ" as the basis for our study.  (in Community Room, 134 - park in West/Back Parking Lot and come in Door 19)
These bible studies are open to all ages and stages of women and we hope to have you join us! Childcare is not available for Tuesday Evening Edition. 
Craft Nights

Craft Nights

First Friday of each month
6 - 10pm
September through May

Use the gifts God has given you while joining other women and working on your favorite hobby or craft. Enjoy spending time together, making new friends, and learning from others. Contact: Julie Cowling (920.268.8638) or Miranda Pautz (920.216.2429)

Pop Up Events

Pop Up Events

This program provides opportunities for women to connect, to enjoy social times together, and to form friendships in a casual relaxed setting. We are currently planning a few park meet-ups for this summer as well as other opportunities! Stay tuned for details.

Questions? Contact Maddy Spranger (715) 216-4822

Women's Ministry Team

Denise Hansen

Nikki Dinkelman

Dana Smith