In a church as large as Calvary, finding community can sometimes be difficult. That’s why CBC offers Sunday morning classes to equip adults for life and ministry. It’s a great way to develop friendships and grow deeper in your faith!

Connect with a class that is relevant to your current stage of life. Whether you are recently graduated from high school, newly married, a parent with younger kids, living with teenagers, or empty nesters and beyond, we have a LifeStage community waiting for you. While you might connect better with those in your LifeStage, you are welcome to join any class at any time!

Upcoming Class Schedule (September-October)

Young Adults: (Room 130) Apologetics
Newly Married: (Room 133) Evangelism
Community of Parents: (Room 131) Jesus, Jews, and Israel
Free to Serve: (Room 132) Gifted to Bless
Legacy 60+: (Fellowship West) 2 Peter
Rooted (young families): (Room 134) Parenting

Elective: Welcome Home! Membership Class: (Room 112)

Check out the list of classes below for current meeting details.

Fall Kickoff with new classes will begin on Sunday, September 8!

Welcome Home! (Membership Class)

We desire to give newcomers and regular attendees a clear picture of who we are as a local church. In the Welcome Home! class, you have the opportunity to learn our church mission, vision, beliefs and values and how Calvary Bible Church is governed. We emphasize the truth that each Believer is gifted and called to be a functioning part of a local church.

The Welcome Home! session includes five consecutive Sunday mornings (Sept 8-Oct 6) from 9:45-10:45am in Room 112. There is no obligation to join in membership, but you will have the opportunity after attending the class, if you would like. Questions? Connect with Janet in the office

Young Adults

Young Adults

If you are age 18+, in college or working, you are welcome to join the young adults group. We will meet in Room 133 from 9:45–10:45am. This September through December, Mark Bartman is leading us through a study in Apologetics. Questions? Email Amber. 

Link to Young Adults Webpage

Newly Married- 2B1

Newly Married- 2B1

This group is designed for couples in the first five years of marriage. We have a blast deepening friendships, socializing, and learning together.

This Fall we are exploring and putting into practice the lifestyle we know as Evangelism with John Hartenberger. This will include scriptural preparatory prayer for living with an evangelistic bent as well as a missional lifestyle process. Also, we will be helping participants to learn their individual evangelistic style along with how to present the gospel. There Will be 5 servant evangelism opportunities over the 2 months that you will be encouraged to participate in. So jump in and enjoy this biblical unpredictable journey as we make disciples together! We meet at 9:45am in Room 130. Questions? Email Josh and Julia.

Rooted (young families)

Rooted (young families)

A community of young families and friends seeking to grow in the knowledge of God and his love. This session Matt & Stacy Anderson will be leading us in discussion about God-Centered Parenting. The highs and lows of one of our greatest callings. What does it really look like to "Train up your children in the way they should go"? We will include things about discipline, boundaries, identity, the influence of media, busyness and learning to seek God about what to include in our schedules. We meet in the Community Room (134) at 9:45am. Questions? Email Lacey.

Community of Parents

Community of Parents

If you are are at any stage of your parenting journey, we'd love to meet you! Come connect and grow with us each week as we discuss items critical to maintaining a healthy relationship with Christ and each other as we fulfill our calling as parents.  

We pray you will join us as we experience the interactive teaching of Mike Bukovitz in his series on Jesus, Jews, and Israel.  We meet at 9:45am in Room 131.  Questions? Contact Betty at 850.9442.

Free to Serve (45-60)

Free to Serve (45-60)

The Free To Serve ECC class is a group of believers who are in the latter stages of their careers and are typically empty nesters. Married or single, we enjoy fellowship and growing in our walk in the Lord through the study of His Word. We tend to have a little more availability to serve the Lord then when we were in the parenting stage of life.

We meet each Sunday at 9:45am in the Room 132. This Fall, Brian Palmer is jumping into a study on Romans 12 and what it means everyday that we are Gifted to Bless. Questions? Email Jim & Linda.

Legacy Hour (60+)

Legacy Hour (60+)

Whether you are retired or working, if you are 60+, we'd love for you to join us for a time of fellowship, prayer, and study at 9:45am in Fellowship Center West (Room 200). We also have many social events outside of our Sunday community.

Please join us in the Fellowship Center West (room 200) at 9:45am for study & discussion. Starting in September, Ethan Hansen will walk us through the lessons in 2 Peter. The early church faced two major problems- persecution and false teachers 1 Peter was written to deal with persecution. 2 Peter was given to deal with false teachers. Our culture is awash in false teaching today. Come and learn how to avoid false teaching and to grow in truth!  Questions? Email Ron.

Link to Legacy Webpage