SWAT Missions Recap
Plan on stopping by the Fellowship Center at 9:45am this Sunday, August 20 to hear from our SWAT Missionaries and their trip this summer and how they saw God at work in and through them as they did hurricane clean-up and so much more!
Newcomer Meet & Greet
New guests are invited to join us for a Meet & Greet on Sunday, August 27! Visit with Pastor Keith, his wife, Kerry, and some of our staff. Ask questions about our church's mission and ministry, and learn how your family can get connected at CBC. Let us know if you are coming by clicking the button below. We will be serving refreshments in Fellowship West (Room 200) at 9:45am.
Meet & Greet RSVP
Annual Food Drive
We are gathering items from August 13-27 to bless those in our church family that need a little help. We will have collection points for food around the church campus. Perishable items such as milk, meat, and fresh fruits & veggies will be accepted ONLY on August 27. Contact Willie in the Church Office (725.3896) if you have questions. Click the button below to get a shopping list or to volunteer to serve:
Food Drive Shopping List Volunteer to help sort/distribute
Women's Bible Studies
We have 2 weekly women's Bible studies starting up again this fall. Starting September 12, Tuesday Evening Edition will be studying "Remember Your God" from Deuteronomy. Wednesday Bible Study begins "Parables of Jesus" on September 13. Check out our website by clicking the button below for more information about these classes and some exciting other opportunities for women or you can email Bobbie.
Women's Page on cbcneenah.org
Men's Conference
Men: Don't miss our fall conference on September 15 & 16. What does it take to grow as member of God's family? First, we find community - a place to belong. Then, we need someone to invite us into deeper relationship with Jesus. Join us this weekend as we discover how God works through his people to help them grow. Along the way, you will have several opportunities to meet other guys and build relationships that just might be the launching point for you to take the next step in your journey with Jesus. We'll start on Friday with a steak fry - because why not grill steak at a men's event? Then, we'll have a time of worship and encouragement from our Senior Pastor, Keith Doyle. Come back on Saturday morning as we open God's word together, have a brunch, engage in some fun activities, and wrap up with some more worship and sharing. It's the big Men's event of the year - don't miss it! Cost is $30.
Register Now
Thursday Precepts
The Thursday Morning Precept class is for men & women and meets from 9-11:15am in the Fellowship Center East (Rm 201) starting September 7. We will be studying the book of Ezekiel. Who is Ezekiel you say? What is his significance in the scope of Bible prophecy? Come study with us and get your questions answered. The cost of the book is $22.50 due the first day of class. You must register to have a book ordered for you. Register by emailing lgforHim@hotmail.com or (920) 609-4309. The deadline to register is Sunday, August 20. Please include your name, email address, telephone number, and if you want me to order a book for you. This study is led by Linda Gamerdinger and we would love to have you join us!
Monday Precepts
Please join us as we study together 1 Timothy starting October 2. It is a 7-week course with the cost of the workbook being $15.75. Come & see how people are to behave in the Church. Timothy was told the answers & given practical instructions for how people in the Church are to live. Please notify Jessie Peterson by September 16 by emailing her at rickrjessjpete.14@gmail.com. We meet in Mondays from 6:30-8pm in Fellowship Center East.
Bible Study Fellowship
Bible Study Fellowship (BSF), a global, in-depth Bible study, will be offering a women's class on Tuesday mornings at Valley Baptist Church in Appleton, starting September 12. Moms and grandmothers, enroll your children, ages 0-5 yrs in BSF Kids! All are welcome to join us in our study of John's gospel this year. For more information, visit www.bsfinternational.org or contact Nancy Argo at noargo2@gmail.com.
AWANA Registration
AWANA stands for "Approved Workmen Are Not Ashamed." This children's club is designed to teach children God's Word with a fun, clear, and consistent presentation of the gospel each Wednesday. Your child (Preschool - Sixth Grade) will have the opportunity to recite scripture, play games, and meet new friends. This is a great place for kids to grow in their faith - and an amazing opportunity to invite friends. AWANA meets on Wednesdays from 6:30-8pm, September through the first week in May. The 2023/2024 AWANA Year starts on Wednesday, September 13. Register by clicking the button below.
Please note: volunteers are needed to run each of the AWANA clubs. Currently, Cubbies is closed and only leaders' kids and returning cubbies from last year will be able to participate. If you feel called to invest your time and talents in this incredible ministry, we invite you to join us. Your commitment, no matter how big or small, can help shape the faith journey of a child and contribute to building a strong foundation for their future.
Register for AWANA
Oil Change Volunteers Needed
Our spring community outreach is Saturday, September 9. We will be changing the oil in up to 60 cars for those in need in our community. We will need several dozen volunteers to get dirty under cars, serve refreshments, and visit with our guests. Sign up to help in the Hub starting next Sunday, August 20 or click the button below to register today.
Volunteer to Help
Local Outreach: Trip to Lac Courte Orielles
A team from CBC is headed to the Lac Courte Orielles reservation October 6-8. We will be helping out with projects and spending time sharing the love and truth of Jesus with the people there. The trip is open to adults and accompanied children. Cost is $50 per adult, children are free. Lodging and meals provided, and transportation will be figured out once we know how many people are going.
Go to Lac Courte Orielles
Mexico Mission Trip Info Session
We are planning a mission trip towards the end of this calendar year and it has been designed with families in mind. It is a lower cost opportunity to serve alongside your family and church family to bring the hope and love of Jesus to the Muzquiz area of Mexico. We are having another informational meeting on Sunday, September 17 at Noon in the Community Room (134). Click the button below if you are interested in applying to go on this trip. If you have questions before the meeting, contact Willie Nickols in the Church Office.
Mexico Family Mission Trip Application
Other Questions?
Contact us at (920.725.3896) or office@cbcneenah.org. If you are mailing a check or using bill pay from your bank, please send checks to: Calvary Bible Church; PO Box 799; Neenah, WI 54957. Remember to follow Calvary Bible Church on Facebook and Instagram for midweek updates and inspiration.
Submit a Prayer Request