Women Together - Tuesday Evening
Women Together -Tuesday Evening will provide you with an opportunity to meet other women as you experience rich Bible teaching.

Women Together -Tuesday Evening is a wonderful opportunity for those who are unable to attend a daytime Women's Bible Study. As you join with other women in studying God’s Word, you will be able to grow and be encouraged.

Women are welcome to join at any time of the year. Childcare is not provided. For questions, contact Denise Hansen (920.750.3883).
(park in the West/Back Parking Lot and come in Door 19-next to CBC Office) 

Women Together - Tuesday Evening


Community Room(134)


Cami Czech


  • Weekly: Tuesdays from 6:30-8pm
  • Location: Community Room (Room 134)
  • (park in the West/Back Parking Lot and come in Door 19)

This bible study is open to all ages and stages of women and we hope to have you join us this winter!

Childcare is not available for Tuesday Evening Edition. Questions? Contact Cami Czech (920.540.3958).