Week of August 27, 2023


Newcomer Meet & Greet

New guests are invited to join us for a Meet & Greet on Sunday, August 27! Visit with Pastor Keith, his wife, Kerry, and some of our staff. Ask questions about our church's mission and ministry, and learn how your family can get connected at CBC. Please join us even if you didn't get a chance to register. We will be serving refreshments in Fellowship West (Room 200) at 9:45am.

Last Day for Our Annual Food Drive 

We have been gathering items from August 13-27 to bless those in our church family that need a little help. We will have collection points for food around the church campus. Perishable items such as milk, meat, and fresh fruits & veggies are accepted this Sunday, August 27. Contact Willie in the Church Office (725.3896) if you have questions.

Fall Kickoff Coming Soon!

As Fall Kickoff continues to draw closer, we want to highlight our many ways to worship, grow, serve, and share. Here's some upcoming opportunities for you to grow and share at Calvary:

  • Invite friends & neighbors' kids to join our AWANA program!
  • Volunteer to change oil on September 9 from 8-Noon.
  • Encourage the men in your life to attend the Men's Conference on September 15-16 here at CBC!
  • Go on the Lac Courte Orielles Reservation Mission Trip in October.
  • Attend the Informational Meeting on September 17 about the Family Mexico Mission Trip in December.
  • Have friends, family, or neighbors join us in worship this Fall as we start a new sermon series in 2 Corinthians (either by coming in person or online).

Find out more about these and other ways you can SHARE by visiting our Fall Kickoff webpage or by grabbing a Kickoff Booklet this Sunday!

Fall Kickoff Website

Annual Meeting - Save the Date!

Mark your calendars! On Sunday, September 24, we will have our Annual Congregational Meeting & Lunch at Noon. We will be voting on the annual budget, adding a missionary to our support family, and affirming Jeff Lundeen as our new Financial Secretary. More information about these voting items will be posted next week. If you have questions, please contact one of our church elders.

Register for September 24 lunch

Other Questions?

Contact us at (920.725.3896) or office@cbcneenah.org. If you are mailing a check or using bill pay from your bank, please send checks to: Calvary Bible Church; PO Box 799; Neenah, WI 54957. Remember to follow Calvary Bible Church on Facebook and Instagram for midweek updates and inspiration.

Submit a Prayer Request