Week of June 18, 2023


Happy Father's Day

Heavenly Father, we ask You to bless our earthly fathers and father figures for the many times they reflected the love, strength, generosity, wisdom and mercy that You exemplify in Your relationship with us, Your children.

SonRay Stellar

Get ready to have a blast of fun this summer! At Camp SonRay Stellar, kids shine Jesus’ light and explore the stars finding fun games and crafts along the way. At each station, they’ll explore and discover truths for eternity and beyond! Join us next weekon June 27 from 9 AM- 4PM for a one-day outreach event! This event will be for children who are entering Kdg-6th grade for the 23-24 school year. Register for this day using the button below. The one-day event is going to be highly Gospel-centric and is a wonderful opportunity for outreach to those in your life that may not know God's love, neighbors, grandkids, co-workers families.We also need volunteers at the one-day event or in children's ministry on Sundays this summer. Whether you have experience, or not...we need you! We have training for the one-day volunteers this Monday, June 19 and if you volunteer for Sundays, there is no prep needed!

Register Volunteer Donate

Welcome Home! Membership Class

This week and next, we are introducing the newest members of our church family. Church membership is much more than agreeing to our statement of faith and church constitution. It's about finding a place to Worship, Grow, and Serve so the whole church can be strengthened. Ephesians 4 tells us that the church is healthiest when each member is doing their part. If you miss one of the introduction videos, you can find the new member videos on our website at cbcneenah.org/media.

The next session of our membership class begins on Sunday, September 10 during the 9:45 hour and runs for 5 Sundays. If you are interested in discovering how you can be engaged in the ministry and make Calvary Bible Church your home, we encourage you to attend! Click the button below to sign up for the class and we'll send you more information. Be sure and click the "finish" button at the end of registering, and you will see a confirmation screen when you have successfully registered. Questions? Contact Janet at jlashbrook@cbcneenah.org or 920-725-3896.

Welcome Home! Signup

Other Questions?

Contact us at (920.725.3896) or office@cbcneenah.org. If you are mailing a check or using bill pay from your bank, please send checks to: Calvary Bible Church; PO Box 799; Neenah, WI 54957. Remember to follow Calvary Bible Church on Facebook and Instagram for midweek updates and inspiration.

Submit a Prayer Request