Week of February 9, 2025


New Adult Equipping Classes started last Sunday...but you can still jump in as it is starting!

In a church as large as Calvary, finding community can sometimes be difficult. That’s why CBC offers Sunday morning classes to equip adults for life and ministry. It’s a great way to develop friendships and grow deeper in your faith! Connect with a class that is relevant to your current stage of life. Whether you are recently a young adult, newly married, a parent with younger kids, or empty nesters and beyond, we have a LifeStage community waiting for you. While you might connect better with those in your LifeStage, you are welcome to join any class at any time!

Upcoming Class Schedule (February 2 - April 13)

Young Adults: (Room 130) Ephesians
Newly Married: (Room 133) The Final Week of Christ
Community of Parents: (Room 131) Genealogy of Christ
Free to Serve: (Room 132) How to Study the Bible
Rooted (young families): (Room 134) Seven Deadly Sins
Legacy 60+: (Fellowship West) 10 Commandments of Modern Culture

Elective: Welcome Home! (Membership Class) in Music Room (Room 112) for 5 weeks. 

Elective starting March 9: What in the World is Going On? A Biblical Response will be held in the Music Room(112).

Find out about the classes!

February Church Lunch & Mission Trip Opportunities

Our February Church Lunch is coming up quickly. Join us after worship services on February 16 as our high school students prepare and serve us a delicious lunch of chicken cordon bleu, pork loin, roasted potatoes and veggies. They are fundraising for their summer mission trips - there is no cost for lunch but all donations will go towards their summer mission trips! Click the button below to RSVP for the lunch.

While you are eating the delicious food, our Global Missions Team will share a bit about a few opportunities we have coming up for mission trips. If you can't be at the lunch, we will have a missions newsletter available at the lunch, the Welcome Desk, and a table in the Hub the next couple of Sundays.

Register for the February Lunch

Upcoming Mission Trips

  • Village of Hope, Zambia - June 27-July 7
  • Dominican Republic - August 6-13
  • Turkiye - September 1-8

If you are interested in any of the above list of trips, please email Willie Nickols as soon as possible.

Monday Night Precepts

Have you ever wondered what true faith is? Or how we should live the Christian life? Each verse of this practical study is alive instructions, admonition, & encouragement. Learn God's principles for dealing with trials, temptations, the tongue, & the pull of the world. This 10-week study on James runs from March 17 - May 19 and the workbook costs $24.99. The Monday Evening Precepts is for men & women and meets from 6:30-8:45pm in the Fellowship Center East (Rm 201). The deadline to register is February 23. Please contact Jessie Peterson at 920-841-3908 or at jessaleejpeterson.14@gmail.com.

Safe Families Ministry

Safe Families for Children is a nonprofit working to keep children safe and families together in the Fox Cities. This past month, Calvary began the process of launching a Safe Families volunteer ministry team! With a goal of building a village around isolated parents, Safe Families is a great way to share Jesus' love with families in our community. As a Safe Families volunteer, you can help with babysitting, mentoring, offering friendship or hosting children in your home for short periods of time.
Learn more: safefamilieswi.org 
Join the volunteer team: sfcms.net/apply/
Have questions or want to talk more? Reach out to: aly@safefamilieswi.org

Safe Families staff will be coming to Calvary on March 2 from 12:30 - 3:30pm for a volunteer training session. If you are interested in becoming a volunteer, you will need to fill out the application prior to this date.

Other Questions?

Contact us at (920.725.3896) or office@cbcneenah.org. If you are mailing a check or using bill pay from your bank, please send checks to: Calvary Bible Church; PO Box 799; Neenah, WI 54957. Remember to follow Calvary Bible Church on Facebook and Instagram for midweek updates and inspiration.

Submit a Prayer Request