Week of May 26, 2024


Summer Schedule

This Sunday (May 26) is Memorial Day weekend and so it is a Family Service which means there are no classes for those Preschool through Adults. Babies & Toddlers have class only at 8:30am.  Also note that the Calvary Cafe will be closed on Sunday as well.

With summer rapidly approaching we want you to be aware of a couple changes to the summer class offerings for your children/students. From June 2 - August 25, the Sunday class schedule will be:
  • 8:30am - classes for Babies/Toddlers, Preschool
  • 9:45am - classes for Babies/Toddlers, Preschool, Elementary, Youth (Grades 6-12), Adults (all life stages)
  • 11am - no classes

Camp SonRay

Get ready to dive deep into God’s Word and all the fun this summer! Join us for oceans of fun as we dive deep into Bible Adventures, sing catchy songs, and splash through fun games and crafts along the way. We learn along the way how God helps us with the #1 diving rule: Never dive alone.

Join us on Tuesday, June 25 from 9am- 4pm for the one-day outreach event or every Sunday, June 2 - August 25 (Preschool Classes at 8:30 & 9:45 AM; Elementary Class at 9:45AM ONLY). The one-day event will be for children who are entering Kindergarten-6th grade for the 24-25 school year. Register for this day using the button below.

We'd love to have you volunteer at the one-day event and join us for all the fun! We need volunteers willing to step up and make this happen this summer, whether you have experience, or not...we need you! There are many roles needed at the one-day event (and on Sunday mornings). We also need those who are willing to donate towards supplies (we also are looking for gift cards to buy supplies from Hobby Lobby, Home Depot, or Walmart) or by clicking the link below to a wish list.

Register Volunteer Donate

Mission Trips (Mexico & India) Recaps & Missionary Update - Hegners

Join us in Fellowship East at 9:45am on Sunday, June 9 to hear from the team that went on the family mission trip to Mexico around Easter, from Pastor Keith about his trip training pastors in India, and also hear from the Hegner's (part of our missionary family) from France on what God is doing!


My family’s last 18 months has been a season of waiting. Waiting to see what God’s plan for Ken would be, whether it would be another miracle or Ken’s homecoming. Your prayers, words of encouragement and support has been a comfort and given us strength, peace and the assurance that we serve an awesome God. Thank you for all that you, as our church family, has done for Ken, me, our kids and grandkids. We have truly been blessed! - Kim Bruder & Family

Other Questions?

Contact us at (920.725.3896) or office@cbcneenah.org. If you are mailing a check or using bill pay from your bank, please send checks to: Calvary Bible Church; PO Box 799; Neenah, WI 54957. Remember to follow Calvary Bible Church on Facebook and Instagram for midweek updates and inspiration.

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