Women's Townhall
Ladies of Calvary, we invite you to join us on Thursday, May 16 at 6:30pm for a town hall style meeting. You will have a chance to meet our new Pastor of Discipleship, Caleb Roth, and hear the vision and give feedback on the next chapter for serving the women of all ages at Calvary. See you in the Fellowship Center that night!
Newcomer Meet & Greet
Visitors, join us for a Meet & Greet on Sunday, May 19! Visit with Pastor Keith, his wife, Kerry, and some of our staff. Ask questions about our church's mission and ministry, and learn how your family can get connected at CBC. Let us know if you are coming by clicking the button below. We will be serving refreshments in the Connections Room at 9:45am.
Meet & Greet RSVP
Church Lunch & Congregational Meeting
Mark your calendars for May 19, we'll have our annual Cookout Lunch hosted by our SWAT (Grades 9-12) student missionaries. The menu is cookout style with all the fixins (hamburgers, hot dogs, mac and cheese, potato salad, and root beer floats). All proceeds help cover the cost of the mission trip. At the meeting (which starts immediately following the serving of lunch), we will hear more about how God has been at work through many of our ministries.
Register for May Lunch
Camp SonRay
Get ready to dive deep into God’s Word and all the fun this summer! Join us for oceans of fun as we dive deep into Bible Adventures, sing catchy songs, and splash through fun games and crafts along the way. We learn along the way how God helps us with the #1 diving rule: Never dive alone.
Join us on Tuesday, June 25 from 9am- 4pm for the one-day outreach event or every Sunday, June 2 - August 25 (Preschool Classes at 8:30 & 9:45 AM; Elementary Class at 9:45AM ONLY). The one-day event will be for children who are entering Kindergarten-6th grade for the 24-25 school year. Register for this day using the button below.
We'd love to have you volunteer at the one-day event and join us for all the fun! We need volunteers willing to step up and make this happen this summer, whether you have experience, or not...we need you! There are many roles needed at the one-day event (and on Sunday mornings). We also need those who are willing to donate towards supplies (we also are looking for gift cards to buy supplies from Hobby Lobby, Home Depot, or Walmart) or by clicking the link below to a wish list.
Register Volunteer Donate
Summer Schedule
With summer rapidly approaching we want you to be aware of a couple changes to the summer class offerings for your children/students. From June 2 - August 25, the Sunday class schedule will be:
- 8:30am - classes for Babies/Toddlers, Preschool
- 9:45am - classes for Babies/Toddlers, Preschool, Elementary, Youth (Grades 6-12), Adults (all life stages)
- 11am - no classes
Other Questions?
Contact us at (920.725.3896) or office@cbcneenah.org. If you are mailing a check or using bill pay from your bank, please send checks to: Calvary Bible Church; PO Box 799; Neenah, WI 54957. Remember to follow Calvary Bible Church on Facebook and Instagram for midweek updates and inspiration.
Submit a Prayer Request