SWAT Summer Retreat
Aug 8 - Aug 10
SWAT Summer Retreat for our high-school students.

SWAT, our youth ministry, is looking forward to our Annual Summer Retreat to the Jeske Cottage this summer and you’re invited! We will have many water activities available including water skiing, tubing, wake surfing, and more. There will also be a devotion and worship time several times throughout the weekend. We are excited to offer many fun activities while taking time to reflect on God’s word and worship our great Creator and Sustainer! 

Please arrive at CBC in the back parking lot at 9:30 AM on August 9. We will return home on Sunday, August 11 at 6:00 PM.

Summer Escape Flyer

Medical Release Form

SWAT Summer Retreat
Aug 8 - Aug 10


Jeske Cottage


Michael Hansen


more info to come this summer!