Growing Together Info Session
January 2023 Campaign update and invite to those who were not able to participate before.

Registration closed on Sunday, January 29, 2023

If you were not able to participate in the Growing Together Campaign, for whatever reason, and would like to learn more about why we did this expansion project, and how we approach finances at Calvary, we want to invite you to the Growing Together Info Session. This event will be held on Sunday, January 29 at 9:45am, in the Fellowship Center West. To RSVP, click on the registration link to the left.

Growing Together Info Session


Fellowship Center West (200)


Denise Hansen


This month marks the one-year milestone of our Growing Together Capital Campaign and we are pleased that through the faithful provision of God and the generosity of His people we are well on track to pay off the remaining debt over the next 2 years, and sooner with your participation and if the Lord provides.

Registration closed on Sunday, January 29, 2023