November 8 - Encouraging Others

PRAYER: Lord, help me to be so joyful about what I am doing to make a difference in Your kingdom that I become a bold witness and encouragement to others.

DAY 16 - READ ACTS 4:32-37

The name Joseph is such a fine name. In Hebrew, the name means “God’s added blessing.” This was the name for the cherished son of the patriarch Jacob. This was the name for Jesus’ earthly father. So why would the apostles give Joseph of Cypress a nickname like “Barnabas?” Barnabas, as described in Acts, means “son of encouragement.” Apparently, this Joseph was such an encourager that a new name was in order. When the early church needed money to underwrite its ministries, Joseph sold a field he owned and brought the money to the apostles. When Saul of Tarsus (renamed Paul) needed a friend to welcome him into the church he once persecuted, it was this Joseph who nurtured Paul into a ministry of his own. When the church needed to send someone to encourage the new believers among the gentiles, they sent this Joseph. When young Mark needed someone to believe in him and give him a second chance to serve as a missionary, Joseph encouraged him. Is it any wonder that all of Joseph’s friends called him Barnabas, “son of encouragement?”

Barnabas was able to encourage the brethren because he was available, he was faithful, and he actively loved others. Barnabas clearly gathered with the church to worship, grow, and serve; and he scattered to share the gospel. The church thrives when it has people like Barnabas—people who will be available to encourage and love others, participate in ministries, and generously underwrite the needs of the church. Our church needs leaders—people who will speak up, step up, and help encourage others to passionate ministry and generous giving. Each gift makes a difference to the church, but so does your faith, your story, and your passion. Be a Barnabas! Not in order to boast, but in response to what Christ has done for you. Look for ways to encourage the faith of others by sharing your witness, your passion, and your faith. By doing so, you multiply God’s grace and influence the faithful response of our brothers and sisters in Christ.


Make a list of your spheres of influence—people with whom you connect regularly and whom you have the opportunity to encourage. Find at least one way to share your passion and your faith in Christ with them this week.