You don’t have to go through separation or divorce alone! DivorceCare is a Christ-centered support group where you can find help and healing if you are walking through this season of life.
During each support group session, we watch an instructive video that interviews top experts about issues related to the separation and divorce process. We also set aside time to share our own stories with others. There is real comfort in coming together as people who are walking down this difficult road and supporting one another in the process.
You are welcome to join at any time! While you will likely feel a little uncomfortable during your first visit, you will quickly see that we are a loving, caring community of people who want to help each other walk through this journey.
Learn More Here
Please park in the West parking lot and enter at Door 19. After entering the building, turn right and head down the hallway to room 119 on the right.
Next Session
The next 13-week session of DivorceCare will begin on February 25, to find out specific details, contact Clyde. Each session is scheduled from 6:30-8:30pm. The video sessions are subject-related, which means any participant can start coming to the group on any Tuesday.
DivorceCare Facilitator
Clyde Rasmussen